Community Based Architecture (Part 1)
During the few years I have been working on community-based architecture, I have noticed that many architects are on the lookout for this issue. At first I thought it was probably because of the atmosphere due to government ideological issues and sometimes their emphasis on superficial approaches. Slogans have occurred in the field of architecture. Gradually, with more focus and reflection on this issue, I realized that community-based architecture is such a complex and progressive issue and an “ideal” that basically our architects in Iran either did not manage to deal with such an issue or rarely understood it. And this is one of the most important reasons for the Iranian architectural community to turn to formalism and Western concepts of the past decades.
However, almost many of the leading countries today have allocated large budgets for education and culture in the field of community-based architecture (which in itself includes a wide range of concepts and functions that are not included in this discussion) and the quality of their cities. Based on this hall.
Well, naturally, if we talk about community-based architecture, there are various questions and assumptions in this field, that this architecture can be formalistic ?! Is it based on data collected from people’s lives ?! Is it an interactive and self-organized architecture focusing on the lives of citizens or users of private and public spaces ?! How can culture be included in it and is it right to expand culture in it at all ?! And many such questions that most architects of the world, who may even be called pioneers, have failed to answer or have limited themselves to slogans, because its implementation or so-called Practice in this area requires mastery and a plan. There is an exact way.
I would like to “talk” more about this, so I will try to publish some of the studies I have had in this field over the years from now on, and since my information to all of you is definitely out of range. It is smaller, I prefer the conversation to publishing my personal information… Thank you